News: SPlatform U7 was released!
Docs / U6 (6.6c-all) / Config file
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In this version we made some updates on the config file:
$title='Your website title'; - this will be shown almost everywhere on your website $motto='Your website motto'; - this will only be shown if the theme allow it $siteonline= >1 or 1; - this allow you to turn off(>1) or on(1) your website in seconds $themehead='theme folder'; - this allow you to change the top theme of your website $themebody='theme folder'; - this allow you to change the bottom theme of your website $pagesfolder='pages folder'; - this allow you to change the name of the folder where your pages are located $pageextension='a file extension'; - this allow you to change the extension of your pages $indexpagename='an index name'; - this allow you to change the default name of your index file $bansysenabled= >1 or 1; - this allow you to turn off(>1) or on(1) the IP Banning on your website in seconds $ip=',,'; - here you put the IPs you want to deny on your website $track= >0 or 0; - this allow you to turn off(0) or on(>0) the tracking service (require tracking request) $debug= 1 or 0; - this allow you to turn off(0) or on(1) the debug mode $defaultuser='user directory name' - this allow you to change the name of the directory where your website components are stored (menus, widgets, etc)
Website Translation
Latest 5 news
08.27.2017 | SPlatform U7 was released!
02.07.2017 | SPlatform U6 was released!
01.15.2017 | SPlatform U6 is almost done!
04.20.2016 | SPlatform U5 is now public!
10.05.2015 | SPlatform is now using the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 license.
02.07.2017 | SPlatform U6 was released!
01.15.2017 | SPlatform U6 is almost done!
04.20.2016 | SPlatform U5 is now public!
10.05.2015 | SPlatform is now using the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 license.
SPlatform is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991